Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Risa_, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Book*
  2. Then a dinosaur jumps out of a ants nest and eats..

    I never actually read anything but OPs first post.
  3. A huge flaming turd
  4. made of rainbows and sunshine
  5. Came a d destroyed earth, but..
  6. But only one girl still survived..
  7. And the end
  8. Out of the unicorns backside that the undertaker had eaten
  9. It its shined so bright, it melted all the marshmallows except,……
  10. That the marshmallows love being melted down, they mold together and make one GIANT MARSHMALLOW
  11. And the giant marshmallow started to run around in circles only to
  12. Find that it was soo big that it was actually just standing on all it's friends, so it starts crying
  13. And as is cries it eats a giant marshmallow
  14. Doesn't think about what it is doin and decides he loves the taste, goes on a rampage throughout the world, eating all the marshmallow it can see
  15. Then grows a big pair of fluffy marshy bewbs from all the marshmallows it ate
  16. And all the tiny male marshmallows couldn't take their eyes off off marshy bewbs
  17. One can only imagine what they were thinking, probably along the lines of 'holy fuck, look at those bewbs 
  18. And then the holy bewbs blew up in everyone's face