EVENT Stories About Toys

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. The chair is covering the plant. I wish they could fix this. (First World Problem)
  2. It says above the Avis. You have to unlock them in order
  3. I'm already over this hunt :roll:
    next pls.
  4. Anyone selling a good bit of skytwirler bluewings for a decent price? Wall me if so
  5. Actually nvm tbh I’m over it
    Can’t delete my post tho
  6. blue wings should be granted every single time you unlock a paid box, it just feels ridiculous that they're not. as a free player it's difficult to save up and unlock these, so it feels like a slap in the face when I get nothing out of them 
  7. I've also done plenty of parties and have only been awarded 2 timer boxes so far lol what's up with this hunt so frustrating
  8. BRO WHAT come on we all know ata are a bunch of greedy apes but seriously?! To make it so you can only get avis by purchasing the boxes is excessive. Don't even comment saying you can get "free" ec because that's just spending money elsewhere. Not every aspect of this game should have to be about money or buying ec. If people don't want to buy boxes they shouldn't have to and not to mention the avis are butt nasty anyways. Highly disappointed in ata, even more than usual with this one. 10/10 would not recommend.
  9. Ha welp guess I'm sitting this one out. Cool furniture though..
  10. Can we also get hunts like maybe out of games? IDK..maybe Final Fantasy or The Witcher etc. ??‍♀️??‍♀️I was wondering...
    PercyVale likes this.
  11. Gorgeous ? I'm hot & you're not & buuuuddy vibes like west Philly born & raised.. etc etc ?????
  12. Gorgeous ? I'm hot & you're not & buuuuddy vibes like west Philly born & raised.. etc etc ?????
  13. Another dumb hunt I want something like halo or some space oddesy Type shiii
  14. Anyone else fairy not change over?
    Lurina3 likes this.
  15. Yeah I’m trying to find info on this same thing! I got the faries for the tier 1 but my avi hasn’t changed nor have I gotten a new avi
  16. Wow AMAZING reminds me of my childhood
  17. Buying any hunt 499 and 999 --- for 4 and 10 add me if it's deal??????