
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. I see it better irl (like on the book I had). My headache probably affecting my ability to see it on a screen ig
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  2. You got em all right lol. Pretty good for first time tbh. The tricycle one is the one that took me the longest, like 5 seconds cuz it's like so thin. The "YES" one took about the same amount of time. All the rest I caught in a couple seconds lol
  3. Took me at least a minute for each, and some took like up to 10 minutes. Tricycle I caught a glimpse of a few times. Saw the wheels and handles and couldn't make sense of them. Takes time to find the right focus, and then to notice the whole image.
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  4. Yeah. There are some I've come across where it's like, the opposite effect. Like the shape is there, but it's the background that pops out and the shape is like cut out. Those are called something else cuz the patterns are different but the issue is that I see them in both ways which supposedly shouldn't happen. It's weird