Stay Cautious on Internet!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lamia94, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. People still use 4 Chan?
  2. I'd snort cyanide if 4chan told me to.
  3. only good thing off 4chan is green text everything else can fuçk off
  4. you mean the Bible?
  5. Remember when people were microwaving their iPhones to charge them :lol:
  6. Yes, the Bible
  7. What kind of a an artard 
  8. im atheist
  9. Sounds like natural selection to me.
  10. Wtf is 4chan
  11. ?
  12. it's a message board, kinda like old-school forums, but it's a cesspool of humanity. they're constantly coming up with shıt like this as a "fun challenge/life hack!" that is actually harmful ??‍♀️
  13. Who remembers putting salt on your skin then ice on top of it?
  14. i remember that!
  15. ice melts using salt I remember.
  16. It just burned your skin a lil
  17. O the temperature gets too low that it will cause something similar to frostbite.
  18. boop
  19. World is full of psychopaths and sociopaths.
    Internet is too dangerous for dumb people.
