Star Sign Align: Scorpio

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -__Andromeda__-, Nov 25, 2018.

  1. It was stupid party.

    That's what she thought as she morosely looked at her dressed, a form fitting custom made black Prada dress probably worth more than last year's Bentley. Her hair was styled in an intricate bun with a few ornaments then came the shinning moment.

    Her silver scorpion bracelet.

    Scorpio wondered why would Taurus wear this? It's something that Morticia Addams would wear, she was more purple than pure black and also... Wasn't it stereotypical to give her a scorpion bracelet?

    Looking at herself one more time, she cringed and sighed.

    "I hate parties..."
  2. Very creative
  3. Pretty good sou ds like me