Star Crossed Lovers

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iChesireKittyChaseSnowflakes, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. I made a thread just like this a long time ago but i'm gonna remake it because reasons.

    This is a lovely quote okay. You are beautiful even if you can't see it yourself.
    Realistically there's always going to be someone that tells you you're too fat or skinny but they can piss off. Love your body no matter what anyone says.

    If you feel like nobody cares i can guarantee that;
    Theres ALWAYS somebody that loves you for who you are!

    My friend sent me this when i was having a tough time and it meant alot;

    That also applies to guys aswell!

    No matter what,

    I practically live by that. You do what you have to do, okay?

    And finally please,

    Regardless of your race, looks, weight, past etc...

    Thankyou very much for reading this cheesy thread and PLEASE do not troll on here. I hope this made somebody feel better about them selfs.

    And finally, have a great weekend!

    Any 'trolls' will be asked to leave. Thankyou.
  2. I made a thread just like this a long time ago but i'm gonna remake it because reasons.

    This is a lovely quote okay. You are beautiful even if you can't see it yourself. images-18_zps19dd7580.jpeg[/IMGfit][/url]

    Realistically there's always going to be someone that tells you you're too fat or skinny but they can piss off. Love your body no matter what anyone says.

    If you feel like nobody cares i can guarantee that; [url=][imgfit][/imgfit][/url]

    My friend sent me this when i was having a tough time and it meant alot;
    That also applies to guys aswell!

    No matter what,
    I practically live by that. You do what you have to do, okay?

    And finally please,
    Regardless of your race, looks, weight, past etc...

    Thankyou very much for reading this cheesy thread and PLEASE do not troll on here. I hope this made somebody feel better about them selfs.

    And finally, have a great weekend! [/color]

    [size=1] Any 'trolls' will be asked to leave. Thankyou. [/size]
  3. I made a thread just like this a long time ago but i'm gonna remake it because reasons.         

    This is a lovely quote okay. You are beautiful even if you can't see it yourself.

    Realistically there's always going to be someone that tells you you're too fat or skinny but they can piss off. Love your body no matter what anyone says. 

    If you feel like nobody cares i can guarantee that;                     

    My friend sent me this when i was having a tough time and it meant alot;

    That also applies to guys aswell!
    No matter what,

    I practically live by that. You do what you have to do, okay?

    And finally please,
    Regardless of your race, looks, weight, past etc...

    Thankyou very much for reading this cheesy thread and PLEASE do not troll on here. I hope this made somebody feel better about them selfs.

    And finally, have a great weekend!

    Any 'trolls' will be asked to leave. Thankyou.
  4. 3rd time lucky!
  5. You are spamming a fanfiction thread. Next time make your own on off topic. Thanks. 
  6. this is someones story.... Not really the place to test a thread. A good place to test it would be the bb code guide in questions/feedback
  7. :O KITTTY? 
  8. Lilth fluttered softly beside Aurora, her blonde hair whisking around her. He light hazel eyes taking in everything around her. She whimpered in dismay, everything looked so dead and quiet.

    A frown curved on her lips, she charged forward through the densely dark forest. Wings shuddering slightly with each movement. The further they traveled in, the colder it became. She wrapped her arms around herself, teeth chattering loudly.

    Aurora flew up by her side, her fingertips brushing against the blonde's arm. " This is nothing compared to what awaits. Everything has become an ice paradise. Nothing can survive the cold, but the darkness itself. " She muttered Irritably and strayed to their path.

    The pint size princess was pulled off to the side. A place on the outskirts of the forest, over looking the country side and the palace. She covered her mouth in shock. Her eyes drifting over every piece of land.

    The grass was frozen over, you couldn't even tell if it had once been a vibrant green. The small cottages that once burned with the sweet smell of bread and soup. No longer puffed out smoke from their chimneys. They stood dull and lifeless.

    The castle stood forbidding and monstrous. Icicles grew out from every window and roof. The ice had a life of its own. It grew and attached to anything it could get its frozen paws on.

    Tears misted in her hazel eyes, flowing like a water fall. Just as she made a move to fly towards the castle. Aurora pulled her back, " You can't! It's too dangerous, and that evil will choke the life from you. Your our last hope, Lilth. We can't afford to lose you. "

    Aurora sighed softly and turned her head to gaze upon their once beloved home. " I'm sorry Princess, but we must go. There's nothing we can do for them right now. " She said softly and gently pulled her away.

    Her words fell on deaf ears of a saddened Princess. No words or condolences would ever take the pain away in her heart.

    Lilth was led in to a place far from the menacing forest. A place lit by small amounts of warmth and light. Buried away in the hallow of an oak tree.

    Her world was awakened to something new. She never thought she'd be brought in to such a magical previous part of life.

    Fairies of all walks of life, stood around lit candles. Discussing the dawning of the darkness. They were in deep thought, too busy to even notice their new comers.

    Aurora cleared her throat and stepped forward. The circle split and granted her access to their discussion. She gently grabbed Lilth's hand and pulled her forward.

    " I believe we can fight the dark one. Our chances for survival have increased ten fold. " She stated while looking upon each of her comrades. They looked back at her in confusion and slowly turned to stare at Lilth.

    Lilth blushed under the heat of the stares directed at her. She gazed back at each curious face. Stepping back to hide slightly behind Aurora.

    Aurora held her chin high as the questions begin to rise. " Enough! She's a princess, she has great powers of light within her. All is not lost, we can fight the dark one. " She said to quiet the mummers of voices around her.

    Lilth had no idea what powers she was referring to. Although with all the intense stares and the threat of death upon their door. How could she deny their ounce of hope. Especially with their loved ones lives hanging on the line.
  9. Wall me when updated again, please
  10.  fantastic!!
  11. Kitty. I don't know you. But I love you. ? Wall me again at next update please, Dear.
  12. Please wall me when the next update is released. Your writing is truly incredible. The words and adjectives make my body tingle with joy and excitement.
    You have impressed me! Well done. 
  13. Updating today!  I love you guys! You all have inspired me so. 
  14. omg! I loved this update!
  15. Omg loved this so much wall me more. Bump!