Star Crossed Lovers

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iChesireKittyChaseSnowflakes, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Let me know wen u update i love this
  2. this is so good!
  3. I love ur name
  4. When is the update coming!!  really good
  5. ❄❄❄❄❄❄

    Days had passed, perhaps even weeks. It was hard to tell anymore. The days dragged on with nothing but silence, with the light drops of water dripping in to the cell.

    She leaned her head down against the wall. Her tears frozen behind closed eyelids. The hope in her heart, having died away with all the sweet memories.

    The want for freedom, a bitter taste in her mouth. It was just a helpless thought that would never be. Another part of her died away with her innocence. Angels and faeries, such a child like thing to believe in now.

    Fairy tales were for children, whose parents wanted to ease away their fears with sweet lies. She heard a soft faint fluttering noise. Something that was odd to her ears. A tear sliding down her cheek.

    In all her years on earth, she never thought those silly thoughts would ever be true. A blue light floated near her. The soft light calming her fears like a mother would a child.

    She held her breath, in fear of scaring away the visitor. The blue light drew nearer to her, caressing away the lone tear from her cheek.

    " Dear child, there is no reason to plead for me anymore. I am here, to help you back on your path. You have lost precious time, but all can be fixed again. If you so wish it, dear. " It spoke in such a soft spoken voice. She dared think it may have just been a illusion.

    Lilth gazed at the blue fairy with wide eyes. " A-are you really here? Or have I..I lost my mind.."

    The fairy chuckled softly and fluttered over to the barred window. " Sweet princess, you have been away from the light for far too long. It is time, you set things right again. " The blue haired fairy replied, her glittering blue tutu standing out against her pale blue sequined corset. Her white wings contrasting against the darkness of the dungeon.

    Lilth blinked several times and slowly stood up. The fairy reached a hand out to her, with a soft understanding smile. The blonde princess reached out to the extended hand of the fairy's.

    Everything became over come with the bright white light that lit up the room then. Something you only hear in stories of heaven. A soft gasp left her lips.

    Lilth floated up next to the blue fairy's side. A pint size, just like the fairy before her. " W-what have you done to me? Am I dead?!? I-I! "

    " Shhh dear, it'll be alright. You are far from dead, you are very much alive. Only way to break you free from your cage. Was to make you smaller than that which binds you. Now, we must get going. There is great darkness spreading, we need your help. " The blue fairy chided softly again and fluttered her wings out of the dungeon window.

    Lilth bit her bottom lip lightly and willed herself to follow after the fairy. She stopped in mid flight, her eyes darting to her back. A pair of silver translucent wings were attached to her back. A sight to be hold, and a thought that would cause her mother to faint.

    She turned and quickly flew to the blue fairy's side, " But wait! I never caught your name! And what do you mean the darkness is spreading? I don't understand! And what about Lee?! H-he's out there looking for me still.." She said breathless towards the end, a hand clenched hard to her chest.

    The blue fairy touched her shoulder lightly, " I'm so sorry for over whelming you, but we don't have much time. My name is Aurora, and the darkness threatens all existence in these lands. I'm sure your..prince is under the same spell as everyone else. Please, we must go! "

    Lilth tensed beneath the heaviness of her words. They sunk in to her heart with great sorrow. Her mother..aunt...Lee..all of them. They were in great parole. She nodded slightly and fluttered after Aurora with a heavy heart.

    Faeries would never lie. Especially one that broke her out of her gilded cage. Much had happened as she was forgotten in the darkness. Nearly going insane in loneliness. Her pure heart fighting dark thoughts.

    The forest was dark and crude looking as they flew through it. Trees standing tall and menacing. She hated the chill that ran down her back.
  6. This is really beautiful!  Bravo!
  7. Wall me when updated again please!
  8. Great let me know when u update again??
  9. update soon and let me know!
  10. Wall me next update
  11. 
  12. Bump. please update apon ^-^