Star Crossed Lovers

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iChesireKittyChaseSnowflakes, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Putting up an update today. Around 6:30pm, stay alert

  2. Lilth held her small hands out in attempts at catching a snowflake in her palm. Her light blue eyes sparkling with curiosity and content. Her soft pink lips formed a pout, just as she missed another one.

    A pair of hands just abit bigger than hers. Came up underneath hers, guiding them carefully to the next falling white snowflake. Her squeal of delight, was all the more rewarding.

    He chuckled softly by her ear and glanced at her beautiful face. She had finally caught a snowflake in her hands, with his help. A sweet smile played on her lips. Ones that he couldn't stop gazing at now.

    Lilth tilted her head slightly and watched the cold icicle melt in her hands. Her gaze drifted to meet his loving eyes. A light blush coloring her cheeks. She hadn't noticed how long he was watching her.

    His hand reached up to move a stray strand of hair from her face. His eyes having never left hers, while his other hand brushed across her cheek.

    She leaned in to his gentle touch and closed her eyes slowly. Trust was rebuilt between them abit each day as they dreamed together. Some how feelings snuck in as well.

    His warm breath on her cheek, startled her heart in to a racing pace. He was still hesitant however, not knowing if she'd approve. His gentle eyes watching her.

    Light hazel eyes opened half way. Gaze licking with his once more. His hesitation was obvious to her. She would have none of that. She waited far too long for him.

    A slightly tilt and she was up on her tipy toes, pressing her soft lips against his warm ones. She nearly squeaked when he pulled her close against him and kissed her fiercely back.

    Heaven. The only word she could use to describe this place with him out in the woods. Snow falling around them like a blanket of white. Flurries falling lightly from the fluffy white clouds above.

    Her eyes snapped open. Had she been day dreaming again?

    A sigh escaped her, pulling herself from her bed. The light green sheets and comforting falling away and no longer offering comfort from the cold air. It drew goosebumps across her skin and caused her to shiver.

    It was late afternoon, the sun having gone down slightly from it's perch in the cloudy blue sky. She worried her bottom lip and grabbed the royal blue scarf. Something which she became accustomed to wearing every second of the day.

    She forced on a beautiful shimmering blue dress. It stopped abit after her ankles and hugged her tightly. It was covered with his scarf and her favorite blue peacoat. Night would fall soon. She moved to find her black boots.

    It would do her no good to wear regular shoes. The biting cold would not serve well going un prepared.

    Lee walked silently beside his sister. He was exhausted from following her back out to the shops. They returned an hour later. To which he thought his arms would fall off. From the many bags hanging on his arms and hands.

    His sister had a bad habit of being a shopaholic. His beautiful mother had somewhat of the same problem.

    He watched her steal some of the bags from him and shove them in to the awaiting arms of a servant. Then she resumed looking through the bags for something.

    " You could have just brought a chariot to carry all these. Instead if killing me with your shopping hobby. ", He grumbled softly and watched his sister move from bag to bag.

    She gasped in relief and pulled a black box out of the left bag. Her eyes glittered mischievously, glancing at her older brother, " Brother dear-"

    " Your up to something, and if it has anything to do with Jennifer or me being tortured. Forget it and toss your plans away, before you get yourself in trouble. "

    She held up a hand to stop his speech. Then immediately shoved the black box in to his hands. She smiled at his stunned face, " You were looking at this before. I think you should give it to her. ", She said gently and turned on her heel. The servant stumbled and chased after her.

    Lee looked down at the box in his hands. At the sound of footsteps, he shoved it in to his pocket. Just in time, Jennifer rounded the corner with a picnic basket.

    " There you are! Now we can finally have our little picnic, darling! ", She screeched happily and ran to hug his right arm.

    He grimaced inwardly and stumbled slightly. She wouldn't give up, he knew that. Drastic measures call for drastic actions. Sigh.
  3. Awwwwwso sweet......BUMP! Update soon!
  4. Good story. I need more now lol
  5. That's so cute.️
  6. Omg! Yes love it. Cant wait for me.
  7. moreeeeee BUMP!
  8. Updating today, stay tuned.
  9. Yay! Finally!
  10. But it's been 2 days
  11. ❄❄❄❄

    Lilth changed her mind once she took a look out her bedroom window. As much as she dearly wanted to impress him. To wear such thin material outside, would be asking for a death wish.

    A sigh escaped her, her dress slipped off to drop on to the marble floor beneath her feet. She quickly replaced it with dark blue jeans, cotton black long sleeved shirt and her coat. Blonde strands of hair fell in to her face, while she adjusted the belt on her black coat.

    The royal blue scarf warm around her neck. She breathed a sigh of relief, body warm from the cold threatening its victims. Hazel eyes drifted to the scarf, just as her fingers grazed it.

    She could feel her skin tingle with the thoughts of seeing him again. Time could freeze for a short while, just for the night. The stars and moon will shine brightly to lite their path.

    The gentle click of a door, brought her to her senses. She knew then that it was time to escape to see him. Mother and aunt now seen off to bed. They would not be awake to stop her from sneaking out.

    She tiptoed as gentle as she could across her bedroom floor. Making her way to her wide bedroom window, to the far right of her room. She heaved herself on to the window and glanced back.

    Keen hearing could not detect any noise from outside the bedroom. She smiled lightly to herself and reached out to grab on to the tree branch leaning towards her window.

    Just as she forced herself the rest of the way in to the tree. She heard her mother call out in to the hallway. Gasping and nervously looking back. She waited with bated breath and pounding heart.

    The voice of her mother retreated back to her room. She stilled on the tree and bit her lip. Seconds ticked by, then it was silent once more. With shaking hands, she climbed down to the ground and took off in to a sprint.

    Black boots hitting soft moist dirt and dead leaves. The only sound that was made in the forest. Trees begrudgingly turning their lip in annoyance. The night was their time to rest.

    An odd feeling of uncertainty boiled at the center of her stomach. She abruptly stopped and turned, green eyes searching for an intruder. It was much too dark to see, perhaps the night animals had better look.

    Perhaps even the dark brown owl that now hooted at her. She flinched and took a step backwards. Her back hit a tree and her relief was drawn in slightly. Thoughts jumbled and hazy, she swore to herself that she was just nervous.

    Not many traveled out at night. Let alone in a dense and dark forest. Which hovered on the outskirts of civilization. The trees only had the wild life to keep them company. The moon befriending the stars that gazed upon it.

    The night was lonely and cold. It was also frightening and left many to wonder.

    Lilth begged her pounding heart to calm. It would do her no good to fret. He promised to be there and be there he would be. She would be swept away in to his arms and in to the depth of his passionate kisses. They would no longer have to stretch the distance.

    A twig snapped sharply, catching her attention. Her heart stopped for half a second, eyes wide and shifting. It took all but a minute for a hand to grab her wrist.

    She screamed and turned to hit the offender, " Lee! You rotten sneaky brat! Dare scare me li-", She began and just as suddenly did her sentence die on her lips.

    Black eyes gazed angrily back at her. Hot breath heating her face.

    She hesitated no longer, her fist assaulting his face and her feet kicking at his most prized possession. Her terrified screams muffled by a strong large hand. Her perfectly white teeth, biting down in to the gloved hand.

    The offender snarled and slapped her hard across the face. She would not be man handled. Her nails dug in to his tan skin and other fist collided with his cheek bone.

    His head snapped back for a second. Then he barreled down on her. Fist connecting with her face a few times. Then once again with her ribs. It quieted her abruptly, her head falling back to meet with the cold hard ground.

    Hazel eyes rolled back slightly, fighting to regain composure. She was in a daze, seeing stars practically and feeling something moist against the side of her mouth. Everything burned horribly, her side taking the worst.

    Her attacker grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her away. She whimpered and attempted to turn, nails dragging in to the wet dirt beneath her, " Le-....l-lee...", A broken whimper left her pale pink lips.

    Then everything went dark and black.

    Jennifer giggled happily as they strolled in to the castle. A small brown basket swaying on her right arm. Heels clicking merrily against the golden tiles that adorned the castle. Her eyes shifted to gaze at him, " I had a really wonderful evening, darling. We must do this again some time. "

    Lee nodded numbly and avoided her gaze, " too. ", Her replied awkwardly and cleared his throat.

    The brunette smiled and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek, " Thank you sweet prince. I'll see you in the morning, darling. ", She said softly and released his hand.

    He watched her disappear down the beautiful red and gold hallway. Relief washing over him in waves. A quick check over himself, and he was turning on his heel to walk back out the door.

    A stern voice interrupted his thoughts, " Where do you think your going, son? It is eleven at night. You should be in bed, you have a long day tomorrow and-"

    Lee cut his father off, " Jennifer dropped one of her earrings on the walk back home, after our picnic. Her mother gave her those earrings. I promised her I would find it and return it to her. ", He managed to muster out, facing his father with a serious expression.

    The King blinked several times in disbelief. It nearly seemed that he would get away with it. Then...., " Very well then, fetch her earring and come right back. Take a guard with you. The night is very dangerous..And son..Your doing the right thing. know..marrying Jennifer. I'm proud of you, son. ", His father said with an unusual tender voice.

    Then with a nod, he was retreating back to bed. Where his wife awaited his presence.

    Lee frowned and watched his father leave. So, he thought sacrificing his son's happiness was honorable. Pfft.

    Turning, he left the comfort of home back to the wild and cold of the night. Once he was five minutes away, he picked up his walk in to a jog. She was waiting for him, he felt bad.

    Never keep a lady waiting, that is one rule his beautiful mother had once told him.

    He reached their meeting place with no trouble trailing after him. She wasn't there. No trace or sound, just the cold air and the hooting of a nearby owl.

    " Lilth?! Are you out there, hiding? ", He called out softly and looked around. No sign.

    After thirty minutes of waiting and looking around. He left back home with a heavy heart and sad thoughts.
  12. Where has she goneWHO TOOK HER?? Bump!