Star Crossed Lovers

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iChesireKittyChaseSnowflakes, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Lilth slid out from the warmth of the room. Welcoming the cold air outside, with a heavy sigh. She was grateful for the help, in the fight against the evil. Although, she wasn't so sure her heart could withstand the pain.

    Everything ached inside, her heart clenched painfully in her chest. Like a thousand needles stabbing in to it without with drawl. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the pain and tears away. If even just for a few minutes.

    She didn't want to look weak in front of others. They'd take advantage of that, and squash her like nothing. How could she fight the darkness, when it was already stilling her heart.

    The frosty bites of darkness, nipping at her innocent fragile heart. That felt like it was shattering in to a million pieces. There was no one to go home to. No one to reassure her, soothe her fears. No one.

    The fairies fought, because it affected their entire existence. For that, she knew was their reason and she would be ever grateful for the strength. However, her heart was giving way under the pain and pressure.

    Hot tears pricked at her light blue eyes. Trailing quietly and quickly down her cheeks. She was a lost lamb, amongst a different breed of species. Lee. Mother. Aunty. Everyone. Gone.

    Her eye colors swirled with emotions. A storm secretly raging within her. Her fists clenched tight, until her knuckles turned white. Jaw clenched tightly to hold in the pitiful sobs of her soul.

    Lee would have jumped to attention and jumped in to battle. He would have known what to do. She didn't have the luxury of having him beside her. He was deep in a forced sleep state. Hidden away in the dark castle aways from them.

    If only she could reach him, caress his cheeks gently. Gaze in to his beautiful Amber eyes, and share a smile with him again. The secrets only their eyes told to one another. The soft and sweet touches of hands, that brought a sense of comfort to both.

    She would wipe away any fear he held. Keep his heart safe and warm with love.

    She was too late to do anything now.

    " She's a mere child! She won't be able to do this! C'mon on Aurora! Think about it! "

    " No human would be able to do it. It's as simple as that. You need magic, which she is greatly lacking at the moment, dear. "

    " Let us faeries handle it! "

    " I'm not ruining my chances for survival with a kid! "

    The voices rose more and more, arguing with the female fairy standing with her hands up. Her eyes narrowed in irritation, mind clouded with death threats and retorts.

    Just as she was about to open her mouth to the next comment..

    " That is quite enough! "

    A soft tender but angry voice shouted over the taut voices of males. Ice blue eyes stared them down and caused them to take a step back.

    " I may be just a human to you all. But I will not be put down and called useless! My family is out there, innocent people are out there and so are some of you're families! You will not get anywhere bickering on what I can and cannot do. It's not just about strength, it's about the power of your heart and soul. I may not be a fairy. But I am a fighter, and I will not stop fighting until everyone is home safely. You may chose to fight along side me. Or you can all step out of the way. ", The speech rang loud and clear, warning all who argued.

    She looked more like a goddess every day as she grew. Her temper, was not something to reckon with. She gazed harshly in to the eyes of every fairy. Awaiting any rejections to come.

    There was silence. Deafening silence and open mouths.

    Aurora attempted to hide the smile curling her lips. The pride in her eyes evident. She stood beside Lilth, her hand gently resting on the pale hand beside hers, " I will fight along side you, Princess. For the innocent, and for our worlds. "

    One by one, they all stepped off their high horses. Kneeling before Lilth and Aurora in respect. Their way of laying down the weapons of their words.

    Lilth took a deep breath and looked over everyone. They looked tired, over worked and some even began growing gray hairs at an early age.

    She would not give up on them. Not even on her last dieing breath. Her family and Lee would be proud of her. She was so shy once, petrified of confrontation and fighting. Now, she had to take the reins head on.

    The tiny blonde nodded slightly and took a seat near a table with a discolored old map. The faeries quickly stepped in. A discussion of exit routes and entrances being exchanged.

    Aurora raised her eyebrow, taking a seat beside Lilth. She was a young one, for sure. But her heart, was that of a wise older woman.

    Their was a short argument on people needing to be battle ready and training. Then another on who would train Lilth. Ryith, was the lucky one to train her.

    His short black hair, small curved nose, and the six pack hidden under his taunting short sleeve shirt. A tease to what he hid beneath. He at times, had a dry sarcastic humor. But he was kind at heart, and knew what he was doing.

    They would be stuck with one another to train.
  2.  I love you.
  3. Awe  so cute. I hope Lilith gets to rescue Lee.  hopeless romantic right here

     great job kitten as per usual
  4. Update this babes
  5. Support 
  6. Kitty babe update this for meh cos im awesome.
  7.  Getting ready to set up a new update
  8. Omg. Updateeee 
  9. Ryith came at her like a charging bull seeing red. His wooden sword coming down at her from any open angle. He didn't hesitate as she cringed and jabbed back at him. His mouth set in a line serious line.

    He caught her wooden sword before it hit his neck. A smirk played on his lips suddenly. He threw his leg out and hooked it behind her knee. She collapsed with a loud ' oof ', but not before hooking her leg around his first.

    Caught off guard like a bewildered animal. He stared down at her in disbelief. She had learned so much in only just a week. He prided himself in teaching her the proper ways of fighting. His student had grown in to a warrior.

    She took a few deep breaths, calming her rapidly beating heart. Her hazel eyes flared up at him in accusation. She had him on the ropes, sword at his throat. He threw off her game, with that last minute leg hook.

    Ryith blinked several times, and attempted to stifle the laughter bubbling from his throat. The look on her face was priceless. Her angry but beautiful hazel eyes. The cute curve of her nose and those lips...

    Lilth huffed and shoved him off her. Sitting up to dust off the dirt on her black battle pants. She frowned and tightened her high ponytail, " You got lucky this time, Ryi! But that will be the last. I'm winning the next time. I'll have you crying for mercy! ", She disclaimed with an air of arrogance, fist pumping the air.

    The dark haired elf laughed heartily at her hyperness. She really had changed, from the shy girl that popped up on their doorstep some time ago. He enjoyed seeing this side of her. The only time he got with her alone.

    Lilth stooped down slightly, with a dangerous mischievous glint in her now green eyes. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise a little. She poked him on the forehead, " Whoever gets to the lunch table first. The loser has clean up duties. ", She taunted him with a smirk and bolted off.

    He blinked in surprise and scrambled to get to his feet, " Hey! Wait! That's not fair! I didn't even get a chance to prepare myself! Lilth!! ", He yelled out after her, hot on her heels.

    Aurora watched from a distance beside a broken down shack. Her wise old eyes following their distant figures. She sighed heavily and turned to gaze out in to another direction. The castle.

    She knew of Lilth's night terrors, heard her cries in the night. How hard it must be for someone so young to adjust. She was surprised however, how quick the girl was to hide the emotions from others. So quick to put a mask on.

    She didn't blame her. She could only imagine what was running through her frenzied thoughts. She grew stronger each day, they all had to. Shaking her head sullenly, she steered herself towards the medium sized red hut serving food.

    Lilth had one open seat next to her, which Aurora took without delay. She could hear Ryith laughing loudly with mirth. Her eyes caught sight of the death glare Lilth was giving him. Apparently, Ryith played a trick on her and stole her wooden sword.

    She smiled slightly, watching the two play fight over the wooden sword. If only to forget the troubles and worries...even if for just a few minutes. She hung her head a little and sipped at her mint leaf tea.

    That night, Lilth curled up in her make shift bed of wood and a light cotton mattress. Her eyes closed shut, as her dreams yanked her away from reality. Pulling her under and forcing her to gasp for breath. The feeling of suffocation closing her lungs.

    She whimpered and reached out in to the darkness for help. Tears stinging at her eyes, her mouth open to gasp for air. She felt water all around, surrounding her, pulling her in deep. She screamed out silently for him. Begging and pleading, fear gripping at her heart in an iron grip.

    It was short lived fear. She was pulled from the growling waters. The water forced from her lungs, air filling the void. She took deep breaths and laid on her side. Her eyes slowly opened half way, scared to know what pulled her out.

    Darkness was all around, but nothing could mistaken the hand that touched her forehead. She teared up instantly and closed her eyes to the touch. The gentle hand brushed it's fingertips down to her cheek.

    " It's alright now, I'm here. I promised to not let any harm come to you, didn't i? ", The voice whispered softly to her.

    She sobbed outwardly and forced herself up and in to the arms she adored. She was held close and gently, soothing her like a terrified child. She shook violently, her sobs like a violent torrent of breaking dams.

    The same hand brushed her hair from her face. Drying her tears away with sweet kisses. She calmed down enough to pull down the face. The face she dreamed of so much, " Lee, I miss you. I can't do this without you! It's so hard! I've been trying to find a way to save you. ", She sobbed softly, clutching tightly to him.

    He held her to his chest and ran his fingers through his hair, " I've been looking through the darkness all this time to find you. I'm so glad I finally found you. I believe in you, Lilth, we all do. ", He said softly by her ear, kissing away her tears one by one.

    She slowly drifted in to a deep slumber in his arms. Knowing that she would wake up again alone. But filled with a new found strength in her heart.
  10. Update me baby