stalkers 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player12037103131, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. 
  2. Wtf??
    Sorry bout that
  3. is gonna stalk
  4. Now I'm stalking Jackky
  5. Jaccky, RUN!!! I'll distract her

    Flames! Verrry pretty! Look close enough they'll change colors! You'll see blues, and greens...
  6. I have stalkers ...1 but me on the shoulder today .:.I turned and was like om do Ik u
  7. Damn those stalkers 
  8. Ooooooh pretty flames
  9. Aaahhhh!! __________
  10. *chases new stalkie*
  11. No stalkers for me 
  12. Who's that now lok
  13. will replace Jaccky as my stalkie.
  14. This should be the non stalkers post 
  15. Oh no spank u have a Stalker!!!! 