stalkers 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player12037103131, Sep 28, 2011.

  1.  you can have mine 
  2. Wow what a kind offer  but they yours and stuck to you like glue lol
  3. Hehe I know 
  4. Your stalkers might have be on here 
  5.  go look on that banner thread by loveydoveyivy, she's there 
  6. Ooo so I see 
  7. Dont panic I'm not one though 
  8. Lol good to know she's my only one though , i think 
  9. Well I'm going to quit while I'm ahead here incase I attract a stalker 
  10. I don't think anyone stalks me.

    Right? 
  11. Your safe like me then lol
  12. No one is safe 
  13. I'll stalk someone
  14. Michelle run