St. Patrick's Day!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Pie said hi
  2. Novel for Novel Trade Anyone? First One Only
  3. @ pimd
    What is the max on the items we can have ?
    It's not mention on the thread. :)
  4. All I know is...
    Cereal max is 10
    T-shirt max is 50
    The pinch is 100
  5. What is the max on the ec gifts tho?
  6. No clue  anyone wanna buy ec and find out?
  7. Beer mugs max at 10

    So my guess is the dress is 50 max & keychain is 100 max

    The others idk yet
  8. M8 ?
  9. What is the max you can own of the stat gifts in the store??? (The t-shirt, cereal and pinch)
  10. I think this is a good idea when will the new parties be out?
  11. ️️️

    Pinch = 100 max
    Shirt = 50 max
    Cereal = 10 max

  12. Money Gifts

    Leprecrunch Cereal

    200Mil = 2,000 Str & 2,000 Intel
    Max 10

    Green T-Shirt

    100Mil = 1,000 Str & 2,000 Intel
    Max 50

    St. Patrick's Day Pinch

    50Mil = 500 Str & 500 Intel
    Max 100

    EC Gifts

    Green Beer

    4 EC = 2,000 Str & 2,000 Intel
    Max 10

    Solo Dress

    2 EC = 1,000 Str & Intel
    Max 50

    Lucky Keychain

    1 EC = 500 Str & 500 Intel
    Max 100

    Leprechaun Romance Book

    20 EC = 10,000 Str & 10,000 Intel
    Max ?
  13. What about st. Patrick day avatars 
  14. Bummer :(
  15. I suggest an avatar that's dressed in all green and it costs 17ec and the stats 17% str/ 3% int (day / month)

    Just for purchased, kinda like the patriot avi we had for fourth of july
  16. ? I want gifts plz.
  17. Pimd, can't you add drops to successful attack hits? This is all great, but still waiting for PvP improvement.