Well yeah after war you can hire the tuts back... Idk it's just an idea. I have 0$ to use to strip but idk if those sfw lovers would like to join. Lol
I think they enjoy sfw because they like taking tuts from ppl who don't want them taken Same as a lot of newer bl hitters like the crying on their wall
Not a bad idea but this game has gotten far too socialized for anyone to participate.. Now it justaabout sittn back., partying, and making more money for no real reason.
Yeah, it's like taking candy from a a baby, the strippers ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT, cuz the one being stripped is crying like a kid who got his lollipop taken AWAY.
This is the best brilliant idea I've heard, for sure I would go. I dont really care much about my tb because I've sf some people (i kept their tutors kinda) Honestly though I'd be more than glad go join. Because mostly? Pimd just parties usually or not much wars, but basically a SSFW would be a fantastic idea. It gives you an option to sf the person too. Thus a plunder for — best team wins.
Can I buy tutors with the billions I have, get them all stripped and then just leave the war? Id make a killing... Im in.