Spyfall Party of the Day Briefing

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by cclient_libraries.remote_exception RemoteException, Jun 6, 2016.

  2. Hype machine for regular?
  3. Marketing device.hmmm. hype machine or no hand brakes in regular party. Anime expo pro or cosplay please pro on pro.
  4. Hype machine probably right
  5. No hand brakes already was used as POTD lol try hype
  6. Hype and cosplay pro
  7. Could POTD be Skyhigh? Since the description of the party involves a penthouse which could be for the marketing and the clue of it detonating high into the sky?
  8. I was thinking arcade misfire for potd arcade (classic arcade machines) misfire (fire, missile).
  9. It was already AMF the potd does not repeat.
  10. Yup it's Hype Machine
  11. Hype is confirmed.
    Anime expo is most likely the Pro as its not Cosplay.
  12. Day 9

    Party of the Day:
    Pro Party of the Day:
  13. I'm thinking big in Japan as well
  14. Sounds like AD Pro
  15. Noodle ppotd?
  16. Agree
  17. Anime Expo drops plane ticket to japan....potd probably anime expo