Spyfall Party of the Day Briefing

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by cclient_libraries.remote_exception RemoteException, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Wait Listed ayy. ?
  2. Sorry guys! Luigi was getting a little out of hand and needed to be...taken care of...

    Day 4

    Party of the Day:
    Pro Party of the Day:
  3. Blue plate special is potd
  4. Blue plate special
  5. Nice he took my Luigi joke without at least giving me a shoutout.
  6. ? Aww would have been epic if it was wait listed
  7. I don't get how... Copa?
  8. copacobana. lol
  9. Copa CABANA is a song

  10. So is meet me at the copa ?
  11. Love the new hints!!!
  12. Day 5

    Party of the Day:
    Pro Party of the Day:
  13. Just Dance ppotd
  14. Arcade misfire potd
  15. BN testing Just Dance pro
  16. You sure its Arcade?
    Maybe its Fitspiration the potd?

    Can any one confirm for sure?

  17. I'm just making educated guesses
    Quarters was what stood out
  18. Yes my shorts being full of quarters leads to arcade