The drop rate is actually decent, I already got all the female avis. Compared to the Halloween event, it's pretty good.
Thank you. I like that drops can be acquired from parties AND they’re not random, meaning the more you hit the more drops you receive until you reach max. I also like that you’ve incorporated old avatars from different years as well as a set of new avatars (that are super cute too). PLUS, if you have the old avatars and only want to buy vip you now can. In past events, you had to buy the whilst avatar of the event to buy the vip if you wanted to collect the vip throwback you didn’t have before. I’m very thankful for this. I enjoy that you’ve incorporated a really cute desk item for grabs. We can collect it and shoot for other furni from the xc leaderboard if we want. Just the thought of getting one furni item that’s not a nightstand or something small is really exciting. And lastly, the CUTE bunny stat is 2mcs! We had a 20mcs hypnocatsith from a past story pass which was cool. This time, you can collect 50mcs worth of cute buns!! In total, you can collect 87.5mcs worth of free event stats. Love love LOVE this event. The only thing I would change is being able to trade the violet blossoms so I can give smaller accounts the opportunity to collect some avatars. 💚
After getting drops for a lil bit it’s safe to say this is a lot more stress free than the other event! You get a great amount of drops from parties, and the stats and Avis are good! (Avis aren’t my style but I can 100% see the appeal) Much happier with this ata - appreciate you listening! Please listen to the story pass feedback next, that’s equally very important to us 🥹
This event has already been much more enjoyable than the Halloween one! I like that the more you hit a party, the more drops you get. I feel like that will correlate nicely for potd players attempting to earn rewards. I'm also a big fan of the vip avis being on a lb rather than the ultra rare drop; this feels SO much more achievable but also has that exclusive element to it. The fact that the lb is only a week long and is landing in the middle of a hunt makes it seem very complimentary to what's already going on. The misc and furniture are very cute, and I always like the ability to collect more misc and furni. Overall I really like this mini event!
Attainable new avis, attainable cute animal stats items, attainable drop rates, ATTAINABLE DESK WITH A PUPPY….this is a gigantic RELIEF from the Halloween event!
Ngl this is probably the least cash grabby thing ata has put out in a while I LOVE this I’ve already gotten two beautiful Avis! Just from completing a couple partie. also the misc items available are cute & fairly priced! Love that you can get multiple! And that they’re good stat aswell! There’s a great amount of “free” prize options! I love to see this ata! Being able to grind the game to get stuff instead of emptying the wallet is so so nice!
The drops are great! That's for putting in mind that not all does / participates in ec parties. Avis aren't as bad too! It's pretty nice overall. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
i cannot believe this. ata finally dropped something that doesn't come across as a blatant cash grab. i'm actually not mad at this at all and rly like it!! rare ata W it's incredibly refreshing to see they actually took the feedback into account. this gives me hope that they'll never repeat that story pass format again because of the feedback we gave them
Thank you ATA for not throwing the Halloween event back at us. 😭 This is a very welcomed change. I like that it seems I can get everything I want to out of it without selling my organs. 😂😭 I don't mind that the exclusive Avi is the VIP version of the avi everyone can get. It finally feels like something that doesn't fully exclude the free to play players. 🥺 All in all, this is extremely refreshing compared to some of the other mini events. 😭❤️
Just now getting around to this.. I want to be hopeful as the reaction seems alright, but I'm still scared. We'll see. ✋😮💨😭
This reminds me of an event we had when I first started playing. It was a Halloween one about 5 years ago, albeit that one was PvP if I remember correctly. We collected these dolls that were in boxes, and then we exchanged those for stats. I liked the stats, and the format wasn't too bad either.
This is a significant improvement from the Halloween event that was similar. Really liking that the effort I put forth will actually get me some rewards I didn't already have. This is the type of content and format of things that will push me to play and grind a little bit more than usual, rather than things like the current story pass that make me want to play even less.
oh btw i will say, the decor boxes are rly telling that spring hunts have been full of recycle dorms. there's a lot cuter stuff yall could do with the spring theme!! none of the decor boxes are exciting me 🥲
Adding on to my previous comment since I forgot...also really liking how drop amount seems to actually be based on how much you've hit a party. More rewards for more effort put in is nice to see.