EVENT Spring Home the Breakin'

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. I’ve noticed this as well. Especially when I look at my Avis
    IIMariselaII and -May- like this.
  2. I don't like this avi box considering we usually get 2 avis when we reach a certain amount of drops and now ATA will give us only 1. Seriously..? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
    Sub and Muschi like this.
  3. On the bright side, you still get both the VIP avis at 1,500 drops.
    Alicia, Prim, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  4. This aged well lmfao.
  5. Imagine caring so much about Corona that you felt the need to reply to something that was said 4 days ago. 🀧
    Alicia and LeeJarrett like this.
  6. Hey Ata thank you for the timer box increases!!! Its making a world of difference for me this hunt πŸ™Œ

    If you keep the 6 hour timers, I very much love the change. I find it waaay more proportionate to what an 8 hour timer box was. I also think I might be getting more drops because I feel I check the 6 hour boxes more then the 8 hours. Much appreciated πŸ™
    Alicia, -May-, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  7. Well, finally hit the 8k drops and got the avatar box and of course thanks to the ring aspect of this hunt I got the avatar I -didn’t- want.
    Now I have to try and hit 16k... and that didn’t work out so well last hunt.
    Thanks, ATA, this is a stupid stupid frustrating mechanic.
    Next time don’t break up the avatars like this, okay? Please?
    Volkor, Alicia and Muschi like this.
  8. We're almost 1 week in and there are some things I've been thinking about, based on the changes.

    I think it's neat that we can see the rewards in the XC panel, for the main storyline. However, there's this thing that has been bugging me even when the main storyline was in the phone, and that is the amount of taps I have to do for every tier of the story (when a new one begins and another ends). I feel like it's disrupting my flow, and I would prefer to see the entire dialogue of the NPC in one go, and just scroll down if I'm interested in reading it, or tap on an exit button at the top right/left, if I wish to skip it.
    In my opinion, it would take less time to get to the rewards screen that way, for those who aren't interested in reading the dialogues. I'm personally inclined not to read them if they're separated in chunks, but would read them if they're all there at once, on the screen (just like in other chatting apps, of which names I won't give).

    I'm just one user and maybe most other players are glad with having to tap so many times to read the stories/get to the rewards screen, but I've also heard lots of them mentioning that they've skipped through the dialogues and don't know what the stories are actually about! Which is a shame, because there is someone or several someones putting time into coming up with those dialogues and I believe their work is worth reading.

    The other thing is something that others have mentioned in this thread, and that is the main storyline avis not only being rewarded at different tiers, but also being random. If it's going to be like this from now on, I think it would be a good idea to put them in lower tiers... Like 3.5k drops for the first one and 8k for the second one. It makes no sense whatsoever to me that the second one is being given all the way at 16k drops, with the randomizing factor in.

    Not sure how much sense this makes because I'm like half asleep, but I felt like I had to write it.

    Good job on the avis, furni, and XC preparation (even though it's a bit buggy at the moment for the main story).
    Woes, Andreea, -May- and 3 others like this.
  9. I must be tripping out because now the boxes say 8 hours πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ not sure if they were 8 hours before I made this post now, or did they change after? Still great drops either way
  10. They were 8h from the start.
    Alicia, -May- and Muschi like this.
  11. Lmao my dumb self am also blind πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    -May- likes this.
  12. Honestly:after a couple days of playing this hunt this is my conclusion. Avatars are nice. I would love if they all had this artistic balance to them. Furniture is a set I may want one day, Items arent exactly to die for but I cant get mad at them. I have a love hate relationship with the tier *mission* I want to like it but I'm used to never hitting the end of a tier based mission I.E. Take the spot light, Live fabulous(spend ec) or what ever.
    Alicia likes this.
  13. Imagine being bitter enough to hate on those who are worried πŸ˜‚
  14. Once again being quoted for something that was said yet another 4 days ago. He was quoting me out of spite from a short convo we had on this thread, which you would have known had you read. But instead, you are jumping to an inaccurate conclusion.
    Sit down.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  15. I just wanted to make note of how much I hate that the main story is in the xc. Not only can I not see what goals I need to hit because all the stars are on top of each other, but I also hate that you only win one avi at a time. Smaller accounts can’t always hit the second milestone for the second avi box, and it’s sucks when you get the wrong gendered avi. Please do not keep this format for the next hunt.
  16. If you go into the xc and scroll down a bit, you can see each of the milestones as well as the requirements per.
    Cavalera, -May-, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  17. This event coming to the end, I still haven't gotten any furniture from this hunt πŸ˜”
  18. We all know PIMD luck be like that.
