When it starts, first person to hit ign @TheSpotlight receives "the spotlight" and gets 4,000 points for having it. And another point for each second they have it. Other people must succeed in hitting the person with the spotlight, or eavesdropping them if they're DTW. The person with the spotlight will always be #1 on the spotlight leaderboard. First person to successfully hit or eavesdrop the person with the spotlight steals it from them. When the spotlight is stolen, whoever had the 4000 points loses them, and they are given to whoever stole it. Whoever has the spotlight has the extra 4k points. You have to try and keep the spotlight as long as possible to make the leaderboard. Last person with the spotlight wins 1st place because of the extra 4000 points. Most recent person to lose spotlight gets banana emojis next to their ign in chat. Person in 1st place gets target emojis. Please use this thread for further game questions, or you can join the pimd discord and ask things in the advice channel.