Sports Hater? Post which team n why

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Tim_Pwnstar_Tebow (01), Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Same as bigmac. Because I'm from Wisconsin.
  2. Raiders because they better than the chargers
  3. Ducks suck *quack* *quack*! Ducks suck *quack* *quack*! thats HP pavillion when the sharks play the ducks. Ducks suck and fuck(f bomb ) the nucks (canucks) haha
  4. Man utd - cause I just hate them lol
  5. I don't really like soccer...

    I prefer swimming and dodgeball. 
  6. Soccer coz alot of players get shot in the field n fall down dramtically or in other words flopping like bitch eg: Chrigayno Ronaldo