Sparta (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Syoka, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. (Sorry, thought it was a threat-off)
  2. Anthen: -sings- I've heard it all before I think the whole world knows it's your time to go you can't read the sighs I think you can't tell time
  3. Renna: *wakes up on the ground of Percy's bedchamber* Dafuq
  4. Snow:-walks out of the kitchen- sir who was that man that was here? Was he a guest -looks at you confused-
  5. Percyous:Nope, he was trying to kidnap you. (now that I think about it. Did he ever get accepted? And his second character, he didn't even post a profile, did he?)
  6. (doesn't matter. The owner is never on)
  7. (Yea he did I think)

    Snow: Why would he kidnap me? What am I worth -laughs- he must have meant someone else and got confused sir I am sorry he burst in on you
  8. He was on earlier today....
  9. Yea but he's not on often I think is what she ment
  10. (Who the hell is playing without letting me know)
  11. Kobe is....
  12. Y the hell is Percy pissed
  13. I'm not....
  14. Max:I did not get a head start-smiles at Kaitlyn-
  15. Sure as hell seemed like it
  16. Kaitlyn: yes you did. Pokes his nose.
  17. Max:Oh so you want to play that way-laughs and starts poking her back-