Sparrow's useless thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, May 28, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    and this is the mascot!
  2. and if you fuck with us....

  3. Silence! I kill you! 
  4. *Uses the clubs torture device*

  5. 
  6. ag so fat! The video is even more disturbing!
  7. sorry sparrow, I meant to point at the guy in the pic
  8. Azzy!!!!! 
  9. DAMN!

    My torture device works!
  10. that's a very cruel video!!! Seriously, the actual video is...odd...
  11. [​IMG]

     If you think this little gif is wierd watch the full video and the others. Hes wearing a fat suit and dancingnto "My humps"
  12. no don't watch it! Its a whole Lot worse then that!
  13. MY EYES!!!! 
  14. I seen that video he dances to black eyes peas 