Sparrow's useless thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, May 28, 2012.

  1. Indubitably 
  2. =_= us 3 should start a club...
  3. I'm still thinking

    'Narnia' 
  4. As the club name 
  5. No,

    Narnia Spartans.
  6. Its legit


    I have a couple clubs to visit, so I cant make it right now .-.
  7. ._. narnia spartans... What about the Forum Spartans?
  8. >:eek:ooooo

  9. The "Narnia Forum Spartans"

  10. what about, little cave trolls? 
  11. The Failed Little Cave Trolls 
  12. In a closet? o_O
  13. Yes,

    "The Little Fail Cave Trolls in a closet"

  14. ._. how about... The Little Cave Troll Rejects?