Sparrow's useless thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, May 28, 2012.

  1. McDonalds 

    I was driving home from my cousins, so i just decided to get it.
  2. Ohhhhhhhh. Lol.

    What are you talking about? That's totally healthy!
  3. Oh I bet it is

     = 
  4. 
  5. But i love eating it
  6. I'm getting chinese food later
  7. Mmmmmmmmmm...even better
  8. Oh yes My club is full of weak people
  9. I got raising canes, .

  10. This is still..
     Pew Pew
  11. 
  12. It shall never die!!
  13. You've never had canes chicken?!?

  14. This thread is always alive 

    Fascinating :ugeek:
  15. Except 1-6 in the morning
  16. I'll bump it lol, I have to wale up at 5:30 tommorow, so yeah.
  17. KingCal
  18. That was a large gap of time 