Sparrow's useless thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, May 28, 2012.

  1. parapampapaaa  here comes the croissant  with sexy dancers as topping 
  2. =_= about the batman's worst enemy, I think it's Dr Freeze... But i'm not 100%...

  3. Batanns worst enemy is the joker >.>
  4. A good farming club is -- Old Friend --

    They are all inactive.
  5. Oh lord. No. Not again.
  6. nope its dr penguin.  or mr guess, or two face , or joker 
  7. 

  8. Hello!!!!!
  9. What's up?
  10. Music! Birthday time! You?
  11. Eating lunch!

    Is it your birthday?
  12.  a good lunch?

     nooooooooo
  13. Oh i see:)

    It's good, but unhealthy
  14.  now I'm interested. What is it?