
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PapiLovesHisTequila, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. I will always forgive u ?
  2. Ugh excuse me. I’m in charge of spreading negativity.
  3. Fr like tf, pls don't impersonate me
  5. you need to be a better pup papi ? give your tutus attention
  6. But did I ask?
  7. nobody did :eek:
  8. I am sorry. ☹
  9. ^No you're not
  10. Step aside, it’s my turn :cool:
  11. I am no longer sorry.
  12. Quit copying me
  14. My favorite animated film of all time ! ?
  15. Mini irl
  16. Did you just expose me?
  17. I will expose you more in time
  18. I will bump my expose thread for your new information when you do.
  19. Donut disrespect Coraline like that.