sooo disgustingly cute 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IMPOSTER_CatfishCherryTomato, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    That was the rest of the conversation with my mother since I think luminosity is indicating that my ss is fake and not truly a conversation between my mother and I.
  2. I saw this as a post on fb from Ariana grande.
  3. Who doesn't make cute little noises and voices at babies 
  4. Yup I'm correct. Well maybe that person got them from here. Because those are definitely my ss 
  5. Times are consistent to that of est. id say they are real.
  6. [​IMG]

    Or that one. ? you just ruined my Christmas plans.
  7. ? now my Christmas plans are ruined!
  8. So do those ss prove to your satisfaction luminosity? 
  9. I love you too Jo ?
  10. That is so cute lol, my parents don't even know how to text or use anything electronically ._.
  11. where's my Xmas stocking?
  12. CherryJ I don't know why you were even going out your way to prove something you know as the truth.
  13. Yes i agree less time proving you're not lying more time prepping my Xmas stockinganyone that knows her knows she's not making anything up here
  14. @cherry just tell him to show his proof don't take the effort when someone accuses you of something when they don't do anything to prove that they are correct
  15. I wish my mom would say stuff like that.
  16. My mom texts me all the time I would ss and post but I don't have photobuck and I don't know how to post them on here