Regular conversation with my mum: Me: Mom, I might be and and have no life Mom:...? but...??? Me: That's it.
What ace? Trace please don't pull that drama into this thread please. This was supposed to be a sweet thread
Oh when I find things ridiculously adorable I call them "disgustingly cute" like yesterday there was a little boy that was so adorable and happy and kept waving at me that I walked past one of my coworkers and was like "I want to snuggle that baby so hard he's just so damn disgustingly cute" she looked at me odd as well so...rofl I guess no one understands ?
My idea of disgustingly cute is; Hear me out. I'm gonna make it as less creepy as possible️ *cute baby smiles and does baby Shizz at woman* *woman smiles back coochie coo style* *baby starts getting overly sensual to woman* Ummm... Yeah....
Same , I just talk to them like their a person and not a moving alien When people baby talk animals I guess they think "wth is this prick calling me doggy woggy for"
What luminosity? And lol ace yes I hate it. I do gain a certain inflection in my voice around babies and animals but no weird nonsense.