sooo disgustingly cute 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IMPOSTER_CatfishCherryTomato, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]


    Not from my mom and idk if they are in order but..
  2. Once moms get iPhones or other smartphones they act younger ?
  3. Elite what relevance to the topic does this have? I'm at a loss on the relevance of your posts.
  4. I asked my mother to text one of my friends that I'll reply back to them when I'm done getting my hair and make up done,
    I looked back later at the text and she wrote to them that "my mum is the best ever" and nothing else.
  5. Once my mom texted someone, and she showed it to me then proudly said, "look! I typed 'c, u, 2, morrow!'" She's very tech-savvy, isn't she.
  6.  my mom uses "ly" to say love you. I forgot what she used to use but she thought it meant something different ohhhh

    She used to type lol after every goodnight she would send me and I was like why are you laughing out loud every time you send me goodnight she said oh! I thought that was lots of love
  7. Angel that's how my mother writes too
    She tells me that's how "cool" people write then said I wasn't cool because I don't write like that
  8. mom like Jopos suddenly got into the selfie/taking posing pics everywhere. Guess who has to take those pictures ALL the time 
  9. Phase^ I dont if its a phase though since shes old
  10. OMG Cherry I love your mom
  11. This is hilarious  my mom is boring ? she just spams me with texts if I don't answer right away. ?
  12. My mum found emoji last week I don't know how to post pictures tho
  13.  you can follow me and I'll tell you
  14. from my texting app 
    It got blurry when I resized it

    Good luck reading it.
  15. Aww!  my mom was the same way 
  16. OMG jas!
  17. I've seen that fail on google before