Something Something Goldfish Raffle

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Lala-Land, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. It could be any Wednesday in September, @Thursday even though she posted Wednesday on Wednesday it could be next week Wednesday or the next next week Wednesday 😂😂
    Seriously likes this.
  2. END DATE: Wednesday, September 11th at 12AM EST


    1.) Rynnethia
    2.) Muschi
    3.) OhRenata
    4.) Xx-Jordan-xX
    5.) Rizky
    6.) Jessie-
    7.) Alessandra
    8.) Moonlight-
    9.) littlekitten15
    10.) Kryys
    11.) GothicBlackGirlHoudini
    12.) Chill
    13.) T_Love15
    14.) -TPR_Exitium-
    15.) kandis__

    Please contact me with any name changes or spelling errors! : )

    I just saw I didn’t actually put a number, sorry 😓 fixed so hopefully less confusion
    : )

  3. entered👼🏼🌹
  4. Entered 😊
  5. END DATE: Wednesday, September 11th at 12AM EST


    1.) Rynnethia
    2.) Muschi
    3.) OhRenata
    4.) Xx-Jordan-xX
    5.) Rizky
    6.) Jessie-
    7.) Alessandra
    8.) Moonlight-
    9.) littlekitten15
    10.) Kryys
    11.) GothicBlackGirlHoudini
    12.) Chill
    13.) T_Love15
    14.) -TPR_Exitium-
    15.) kandis__
    16.) libellule
    17.) Thursday
    18.) Nevena
    19.) aceofdiamonds

    Please contact me with any name changes or spelling errors! : )


    P.S. Remember this? ⬇️⬇️⬇️

    Remember to send AND comment or your entry will not count (I’m not chasing down people who send without commenting (and vice versa) and I WILL kidnap your goldfish without entering you if you don’t comment)

    JS. Have some goldfish that I’m gonna consider as a donation if you don’t do both 🤷🏻‍♀️
  6. Entered
  7. Entered ❤️
  8. Entered 💕
  9. END DATE: Wednesday, September 11th at 12AM EST


    1.) Rynnethia
    2.) Muschi
    3.) OhRenata
    4.) Xx-Jordan-xX
    5.) Rizky
    6.) Jessie-
    7.) Alessandra
    8.) Moonlight-
    9.) littlekitten15
    10.) Kryys
    11.) GothicBlackGirlHoudini
    12.) Chill
    13.) T_Love15
    14.) -TPR_Exitium-
    15.) kandis__
    16.) libellule
    17.) Thursday
    18.) Nevena
    19.) aceofdiamonds
    20.) IvryRosw
    21.) Dammie8
    22.) -Venlafaxinarra-
    23.) Tlao

    Please contact me with any name changes or spelling errors! : )

  10. Raffly over! Gonna do winners now. 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
  11. Like I normally do, players were assigned numbers based off of order of entry (when they completed both parts of enetering)


    1.) Rynnethia
    2.) Muschi
    3.) OhRenata
    4.) Xx-Jordan-xX
    5.) Rizky
    6.) Jessie-
    7.) Alessandra
    8.) Moonlight-
    9.) littlekitten15
    10.) Kryys
    11.) GothicBlackGirlHoudini
    12.) Chill
    13.) T_Love15
    14.) -TPR_Exitium-
    15.) kandis__
    16.) libellule
    17.) Thursday
    18.) Nevena
    19.) aceofdiamonds
    20.) IvryRosw
    21.) Dammie8
    22.) -Venlafaxinarra-
    23.) Tlao

    Quick reminder of the


    -Prize/Draw #1: The “Co-Z” Cloud Chair

    -Prize/Draw #2: The “Bo-Ho” Collegiate Nightstand

    -Prize/Draw #3: The “Enchanted Forest” Wall Shelves

    -Prize/Draw #4: The “Cu-Tea” Wall Hooks

    -Prize/Draw #5: The “Nap Life” Poster


    Draw #1: #6 @Jessie-

    Draw #2: #10 @Kryys

    Draw #3: #7 @Alessandra

    Draw #4: #16 @lilbellule

    Draw #5: #22 @-Venlafaxinarra-

    Prizes will be distributed shortly! Thanks to all who participated!!! See you guys next time :)

    libellule and Offthewall like this.
  12. Thank you so much @Lala-Land I have never won smth from raffle before. Congrats to all the winners! ☺️☺️

  13. thank you so much! and congrats to all other winners👼🏼🍱
  14. Hey I gifted your alt 💕