some pet stuffs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, May 22, 2018.

  1. So sorry kitten. I remember seeing your sweet doggie in pics you shared. hugs..
  2. Cute pets, hope you're doing well.
  3. Omg this is so sad ? I remembered my first dog died cause of parvo 
  4. I heard that's bad... I never wanna see a dog with parvo it'll break my heart
  5. So sorry hope you feel better :( i love your pets tho they are photogenic
  6. I’m sorry for you loss :(
    I hope your healing process goes smooth

    Sending my love xx
  7. i'm sorry for your loss kitten :cry:
  8. well i mean she's buried in my parents backyard so idk if that's a better place but sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    bean isnt fierce she just pretends. she's actually a huge baby who whines if i don't let her lay on me 24/7

    but she cute tho. she does the "ily" squinty eye thing when she sits on me

  9. this is dash (she has thumbs)

    this is mad moxxi (he does not have thumbs)

    aaand this is aristotle (he sort of has thumbs)

    aaaaaaaaand bonus puppy picture because she always travelled on the dashboard of the rv during our road trips

  10. Omg you are looking after baby squirrel !!!
  11. & i super appreciate your guys' support and stuffs ? it's been a tough week but it means a lot
  12. he's not a baby anymore actually! he's almost 2  i rescued him when he was a few weeks old and he still lives outside my parents house and acts like a pet lol, when i lived there he used to come in my bedroom window after i rehabilitated him and put him outside. now he'll run and say hi when i visit ?
  13. Aw that is the cutest it’s like one of them dodo stories
  14. Awww so cute. I had Emma outside two days ago and a baby squirrel fell out of the tree onto Emma's back. It scared her she jumped and ran in circles. She actually saved the baby squirrel from serious injuries, before Emma could see the squirrel, it was already back up in the trees. It was funny, though.
  15. If that’s not the cutest thing I’ve ever heard oml ?
  16. :( Pets are the best, but they'll live on in the quality they added to your life, and in your memories.
    It sounds like they had a life full of love that you and your family provided. They'll rest easy ?
  17. you are cute bb