Anne Rice rules!!!! I have read almost every one of her books, that's how I became a vampire... I was inspired by Anne Rice P.S. Robert Pattinson is the ugliest, scariest, most disturbing thing I've ever seen
I never really cared much for vampires. Now, demonic presences and fallen angels that breed with human woman to produce giant destructive offspring that can only be vanquished through God's fury, that's awesome.
I've always like werewolves more than vampires but of course Miss Meyers Decided To Make Them All Feminine As Well
Werewolves...twilight were wolves aren't even decent enough to be called as such. They are merely shape shifters who can only shift in one freaking form.
Well, if I do remember correctly, the Bible was written by God :/ (Fun Fact: Angels that participated in a revolt against God were banished from heaven and eventually the fallen angels bred with human woman, creating the angel class "Nephilim" which were under the leadership of either Lucipher or Helel. In the end, the Nephilim were drowned by the SECOND global flood brought on by God himself. This is actually in the Bible)
The movies are popular why? Hmm cos none of the cast can act (besides Jackson what ever his last name is). Bella is an emo moron it's called Prozac maybe you should try it. Jacob oh Jacob I do believe I have never seen so much fake tan EVER! Edward hmm isn't he like 100 and he is marrying a 17 year old and everyone is going aww? I say wtf! Also to all you vamp lovers that are gonna complain I just wanna say... vampires aren't real and if they were they wouldn't where shimmer dust and go to highschool Damn that Stephanie chic is grooming the Tweens into thinking it's ok to hook up with old guys maybe she's the pedo
I saw breaking dawn yesterday wasn't that bad but still hate it and god damn if I had a penny for everytime a teenage girl screamed just because Jacob took his shirt off I would be on a plane to Hawaii the only part in the movie I liked was when edward almost broke her spine
I like the vampires in That movie series called Underworld? Is that what it's called, the latest one was called Rise of The Lycans, now those vampires were cool