so I saw

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gtfo, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Thank you for your awesome blessings and prayers ?️?
  2. We're already in wonderland
  3. I thought this was hell
    Buwbuw and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  4. Hell, wonderland, what is the difference? If you've read the book/seen the movie they're pretty similar
  5. Hell magical place
    Wonderland is wack
    Buwbuw and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  6. i laughed
  7. The difference is I’d willingly go to wonderland
    Buwbuw and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  8. Fair enough tbh.
  9. Shoulda tried flirting with someone whose ign is Kefo.