
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. my friend just tried to eavesdrop me and said I'm in frostbite eventhough I'm in a totally normal state, no one hit me and I'm almost fully regen '-'
    so I dont really understand how this frostbite thing work? .-.
  2. okay so i just found out i have 5 desks name "frostbite" in my furnitures and i can't get rid of those.-. is this the reason I'm in frostbite'-'

  3. Please do not call this a pvp hunt? I have not been hit in 17 hours. My rs just tried to hit me and said I’m in frostbite.

    Kefo likes this.
  4. You can't deconstruct them but you can gift them away. They should be at the bottom of your showcase. I just tested with an alt and it works, brought it out of frostbite
    Kefo likes this.
  5. This ^
    Kefo likes this.
  6. Wait so ata gave everyone an option to get out of the pvp hunt so they didn’t have to take hits and lose money. Then gave everyone an item that prevents people from hitting them but you’re still allowed to hit?? and if you want to take hits again you have to gift that item away 
    Kefo likes this.
  7. Yesss  too bad they fixed it already ?
  8. This hunt is a big fat fail, it's no fun when everyone is stuck with frostbite :/ not been able to hit a single person all day
    Kefo likes this.
  9. Day 2 of no hits.... But I got people crying on my wall though lmfaooo
  11. FrOsTbItE lAsTs FoR 5 mInUtEs
    Kefo likes this.
  12. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but in order to be frostbitten, you have to be DTW. In order to no longer be DTW, you have to regen for 10 minutes. So what’s the point of frostbite lasting for 5 minutes if being DTW lasts longer?
    Kefo likes this.
  13. Team gc’s are honestly so toxic
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  14. im not sure if this has been answered before but i have the snow brick moulds and piles of snow but it’s not combining to make snow bricks?? ive tried restarting the game but nothing changed??
    Kefo likes this.
  15. if you bought the friend in mead story pass wall me plz? i have questions
    Kefo likes this.
  16. So to get out of frostbite we have to hit someone else, but how can we even hit anyone else when basically everyone is suffering from frostbite in the first place...
  17. Only own one at a time not mold and snowball makers
  18. Try all places, campus and pub constantly has new people posting you’re bound to find people there quickly enough, even rs, random wall posts, anything besides just meet people list
  19. So Only Top 100 player contributors to the winning team will get Top 100 rewards?

    No compensation for all that brick-building effort? Or all that snow-throwing to walls?

    A lot disappointed that we lose cash while all this PVP is going on.
    Kefo likes this.
  20. ah well i sold my moulds and rebought them and that worked so it was probably just a glitch