
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wonderland, Apr 10, 2011.

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  1. I didnt have killing intentions 
  2. I have no murder in mind haha et dusk you still have me
  3. No I'm one of the good homicdal guys, trust me cuz I'm cool, I will only kill bad peoples
  4. Im bad! So..... Avoid! 
  5. So everyone at the party was bad  yay hearty kitty is mine 
  6. Ya, they kept playing Friday by Rebecca black, they deserved to die
  7. I was bad..yeah all yours Scottt hahaha 
  8. They should change the name to black friday, so it matches her last name and her personality lol
  9. I don't kill friends though
  10. No killing hearty!!! You kill her i kill you
     
     
  11. Don't worry Scott
  12. *kisses* Scott gets million snogs;ᎠᎠᎠ
  13. Ya, I'm bored of killing people I'm gonna go buy a cheeseburger
  14. Befriend!

    Get me one! 
  15. ι need those snogs to cheer me up
  16. *gives brock cheeseburger*
  17. Its not poisoned is it? 
  18. Cheer Scott what est wrong
  19. Nope I promise u
  20. Idk.... All the food I have gotten in this thread has had something extra in it! 
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