
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wonderland, Apr 10, 2011.

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  1. Lol wow fletch lol 
  2. I would totally love that Fletch
  3. Wooow fletchy boy you go 
  4. So, what time do you want me to pick you up?
  5. I'll just put down my weights, grab my car keys for my Mustang and be right over
  6. I'll be waiting
  7. So what sort of coffee do you like?
  8. Ok well I'll leave you too *runs away*
  9. I like white chocolate mochawbu?
  10. Um well tbh I like a nice powerful dark triple shot Italian espresso
  11. Hot damn

    Will you settle for Native American?
  12. Ermmm idk bout my place here * runs away *
  13. Yeah, I don't know what my sort of coffee refers to in women but that's just the sort of coffee I like, but native-american is sexy
  14. Lol why thank you

    I think that deserves a snog
  15. I was thinking a bit more than a snog, jump in my car and we'll go to my place to have some fun
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