Slender Man

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X_Livi-is-dead_X, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Well I didn't see them last week!!! I was waiting outside my cousins house cuz we were gonna go play Mario kart at mine and then i saw a 9ft man walking towards me with long arms. I ran inside and when my cousins came out you were bye bye.
  2. u didn't look hard enough then and if u looked out of a window u would've seen me again cos i only stalk u 
  3.  The_Ninja_that_loves_botdf dislikes that message.
  4. its ur turn for me to make completely insane
  5. *grabs Rifle* I'm ready 
  6. im immortal so hahahahaha
  7. *grabs Phone* no one can live through Chuck Norris 
  8. No one can kill Chuck Norris.
  9. he died of old age years ago
  10. I'm gonna google it.
  11. don't give me nightmares
  12. 
  13. He isn't real. Don't be scared.
  14.  don't lie bubbub  ill will stalk u and kill you slenderman style with my awesome tentacles and extendo armz
  15. Why on earth would you be real. Your stupid
  16. bahahahahahahah im not stupid  how am i stupid? huh? come on hurry up and tell me why I'm stupid 