Sleeping together

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Even if it's cpld outside. Like one day we went to the coast like 5hrs away and we stayed at a hotel. The Oregon coast is not hot, always windy and cloudy. It was easily under 65° outside. AC was on full blast. I wont go into details but we got our daily cardio in a couple hours before going to sleep so the room wasnt hot anymore. But the moment you put some sheets over you, it traps the body heat and you sweat hella hard. If you take the covers off then eventually your skin gets too cold and you wanna put the covers back on. There is no in-between unless you wake up like every hour to take the sheets off or put em back on
  2. I can’t sleep if my boyfriend isn’t next to me but we live in the middle of the desert so even slightly touching at night is too warm.  Get on your side of the bed and stay there
  3. O, I hate that in between feeling! It's the worse when you can't get a good night's sleep because your body can't decide on a temperature. I think he has to deal with that a lot, lol, because he easily gets sweaty and hot. I just, don't; Im almost always cold inside.except for like, August and if the AC is totally broken
  4. I put the peepee in the vagooey
    I hope this answers your question.
  5. Person I’m currently sleeping with has always been like a boxer in his sleep. It’s like going 12 rounds with Tyson Fury. He sleeps right in the middle of the bed and bounces round like a kangaroo on phet. His bed is a double, mine is a king which is much better. I’ve taken to sleeping away from him or with my arms over my head. It’s not intentional, he’s just slept alone too long. He’ll randomly reach out for me and cuddle up to me in his sleep sometimes and stay there all night which I love. Unless it’s the middle of summer (in England massive heat is rare and I sleep with a fan) it doesn’t really get too hot.
  6. Im in Canada so most of the year people around here are fine......but yes the hair thing snd the pillow sharing and the comfort pulling gets irritating....
  7. The only time I've actually slept through the night w/ a significant other was going camping, on an air mattress in autumn in the woods of the Appalachian Mountains. Did not sweat because it was rather chilly, but one night it did rain which was... unpleasant.

    I also apparently talk in my sleep but it's usually incoherent mumbling so my boyfriend said it was bearable. But he has ADHD and doesn't take medication anymore so he is extremely restless and it can be annoying constantly having to switch positions (although once I'm asleep it is very difficult to rouse me so if he starts moving after I've drifted off then there's no issues).
  8. Well I like to cuddle just because I’m cold 24/7, but if someone is hot just turn on the A/C.
    And from my Ex-SO he only had his arm across me, but never arm under my head so I don’t think he was uncomfortable...
    When I cuddle with ppl I’m hella conscious of my surroundings cuz Ik in my mind someone is near me so I slightly move
    Y’all I’m a very soft sleeper so when I do get kicked at night I legit am scared and wake up..
  9. this is why i shower before bed, keep water bottles frozen all day and take them out during dinner, so they defrost by bedtime incase i get hot, and sleep with my feet uncovered and risk being dragged by demons.

    but then again im anemic and am always freezing, so my opinion and advance in invalid, like on most threads.

    good luck sweaty.
  10. I have never, ever, EVER been an affectionate person until I started seeing my girlfriend. I get sensory overload, while she loves snuggles. I've been lucky in that she calms my mind, because now I love physical intimacy. We spoon most nights, & sometimes (this is my favourite) we fall asleep facing one another with our arms around each other. She's got a high body temperature but I'm always cold so it balances out. The only negative is that she's a teeth grinder, oml some nights it's enough to send shivers down my spine. Buuuut it's worth it when she pulls me closer or kisses me on the forehead unconsciously while she's still asleep. And waking up to her face is the best way to start my day. 

    I swear I was a hard ass until her. Ughh. What happened. :lol:

  11. K but you didnt mention anything about sleeping with another person.

  12. I absolutely cannot do that. Even if it's a nap. If I have someone's hot breath in my face I will turn away. Even if their breath smells nice. It just adds to the hot temperatures. Let's also not forget about morning breath. I do not want to wake up to that or have my girl wake up to that.

    But kudos
  13. obviously it's the demon with a foot fetish she mentioned, c'mon jopo

  15. me with my muschi
  16. Personally I love cuddling in bed. I associate it with being loved and shown affection from my partner. I would cuddle all night if it was possible  However, my bf burns very hot, so even in winter, he sweats. I’m talking window still open at -40 guys ? Summer kills him. To allow him sleep at night, we don’t usually cuddle. He might cuddle me for 5-10 minutes before we fall asleep, but then he gets too hot and turns over to his side. We also have a king size bed so he can’t feel me  He also uses his own sheet to stay cool, where I use a huge blanket. During the day though he does little things to make up for lack of cuddling.