Sketchbook City

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 24, 2016.

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  1. Re: Skechbook City

    oh thank god it's a decent hunt
  2. Re: Skechbook City

  3. Re: Skechbook City

  4. Re: Skechbook City

    I think that's a good idea, keeps it more competitive and less pay to win.
  5. Well. Hailey Queen and Beyonce ?
  6. Out of curiosity, why only 1 key and why not giftable boxes this hunt?
  7. So no daily rewards?
  8. Jesus. These actually look good for once.
  9. Awesome 
  10. Re: Skechbook City

    Thanks for sharing...
  11. Well it sucks that i cant sell my boxes. I get to open 1 a day so that means this hunt is really going to suck for me. Booooooo
  12. Another crappy hunt with daily leaderboard and stupid hunt all money based no lessons learnt by ata and way to waste ur cash by graffiti box not being gift able as I won't ever open with money and as I can't give or trade they will waste in my show case so over greedy ata
  13. Why can't we trade the graffiti box??
  14. Odd moment I'm really like this idea of this hunt ?
  15. Best looking avatars so far! Gj creative team.
  16. Good designs. Better hunt. I wanted the VIP male but of course I'm not dropping flashcats and spending $200+ to get it. Guess I'llI'll just go backback to farming yall accounts :) gday kind sirs. And i hope yall dont cheat to bump your stats up. Gonna get them losses up so yall dont look so noobish. I see you Grant ;) See yall in your NFs this weekend. Deuces
  17. Re: Skechbook City

    Ohh thank you!
  18. How do we know what team is in the lead
    And what if ur club doesn't have the parties unlocked
  19. wow !!!!! nice
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