Re: Skechbook City It is a terrible idea to do so. ATA You want it fair for everyone, sadly it's slightly unfair for the people that cannot afford cats. Keep the boxes NOT giftable. Making them giftable will make the hunt even more unbalanced, all the EC buyers would buy them all to reach TOP1, but again you'll get them giftable because that's profit for you guys, even though you talk crap about keeping it balanced.
Re: Skechbook City It's the same hunt as other color ones. The only reason ppl are happy about it is cuz it has the Harley Quinn looking avi. Guaranteed more would hate on it if it didn't have that
Re: Skechbook City So we can buy more extra credits to open more then one I'm assuming if that's even an option?
Re: Skechbook City ATA is a business. Obviously they have to make money to keep the game going. That being said theres nothing different about giving those who spend money a chance to get better things like anything else in life. You wouldn't expect to get a Ferrari on a Toyota budget so why expect to get the best things here without spending.
Re: Skechbook City I must say, full respect for ATA, for cleaning my mess and correcting my BBC fails. annnd... These avatars are cool?. They've corrupted me for this time only.
Re: Skechbook City Most previous hunts top 500 had a cat. Kini, cat, same difference :roll: I guess a hunt where people who don't flash non stop can get top avis just isn't even an option?
Re: Skechbook City I'm in a akwawrd situation and I need to look like I'm busy texting people. #TheStruggleIsReal
Re: Skechbook City So basically we have 15 days for this event. So to get 50,000 we would need to get 3,333 each day. 50,000 ÷ 15 = 3,333. Is my math right? So Pro parties give a max of about 360. So about 9.5 pro parties to get the 3,333 if you get max drops on each. Does anyone else see how impossible this seems?
Re: Skechbook City Keep in mind that the amount of drops can change (go up or down) from day to day as the amount of drops is dependant on the relative difficulty of the party.