Skaters Gonna Skate

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 18, 2015.

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  1. Will you be putting keys and skateboards in the spinner like the guitar hunt?
  2. Have some piety on us nd give some good hunts
  3. I like the guy avi more than the girl. ?
  4. I want that stat items 
  5. honestly i think ata is trying to make the hunts like that so low stat players can get keys as well not to make it cc based
  6. honestly i think ata is trying to make the hunts like that so low stat players can get keys as well not to make it cc based
  7. Why can't they just tell us the party of the days and the ppofd?
  8. When i ever i do a party i never get a skate key 
  9. No
  10. U dont have any drops in ur showcase tho...So u must not be completing the party
  11. or doing the wrong one
  12. Maybe low stat people should grow so we don't have to suffer these stupid Luck hunts..I want the old ones back man..but whatevs, that's just me I guess ?
  13. Will any 55% strength/Intel Avis ever be added to the store?
  14. @Pimd_C
  15. i dont think so else cc peeps might go banana
  16. totaly support u brother ?
  17. These easy hunts are to help them grow. Lol
    I miss the old hunts too but these hunts aren't so bad.
  18. Today's drop of the day is....

    2x Skate Key drops!

    To clarify:
    This does not mean Antique Skateboards are dropping more, it means the rare Skate Key drops are dropping twice as much.
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