Skater Gifts

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. price of new gift is 10b not 1b , out bananas aside apes and correct it
  2. Typo... It's 10 bil not 1 bil... Trying to trick us
  3. they are too busy sucking money off
  4. Updated the post
  5. wheres the appology ?
  6. But where's the bulldog? 
  7. we need 69 dn as compensation for your lame mistake
  8. I need 1000 ec for listening to your lame complaints :lol:
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. Shut up and spam me new gifts
  10. nu u dnt deserve it
  11. Why not :-(
  12. Here they are ???️ 750b gifts??
  13. When does gifting these gifts end?
  14. Gifts me some using EC I really wish 
  15. last hunt we had 1t max
  16. Stop with this idiotic stuff.
    750b too max is unfair on small stat ppl.
    And too much to spend for big players as well.
    Be reasonable ata
  17. yet your maxed so u can afford so its not expensive
  18. I traded my stuff.
    My tuts can't max themselves.
    750b too much