sitting back watching

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by D-1-T-C-H, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Grandpa ditch  I'm definitely getting a new alt soon 

    Jopo you are not quitting. I'm not gonna be a pimd widow
  2. Btw.. These RP freaks go up to 100kcs last I checked 
  3. Yes you are Maxie. You unfollowed me 
  4. Then why are we pm'ing?
  5. Ditch I support and will take part in "Operation farm the pervs and clean up campus"
  6. I support. This game has an awful name thanks to the pervs. But hell, the devs have a big boobed woman as the picture. I suggest changing that to the athlete or something. ._.
  7. How can I help? 
  8. So true, pervs need to go! I don't really spend much time on WC because of that. People get a hint this is not a dating site 
  9. Ditch no1 answered because u posted at night

    Also i agree with you 100%. Mods are doing some stupis shit lately, silencing for stupid reasons,locking up threads(yes yesterday there were 2 locked threads for no reason at all) but not silencig the pervs
  10. Rose, your name doesn't look right...
  11.  A "revolution to take back PIMD" always comes up every once in a while, and it always sucks.

    Kinda hoping Ditch's rage thread will spark a fire....

    But this one will probably fade like the rest of them 
  12. Way to be positive. :|
  13. Just wait til I get an alt.. I'll show u rage...
  14. I have tried to play this game the way it was intended, hitting from battle list, participating in wars, and so on, only to get farmed for days because of my use of the BL. They actually wanted me to drop stats for it to stop not gonna happen EVER!! The end result was an apology for playing the game basically.

    For those that don't know, ss of campus needs to be sent to support and not the mod group. Or just farm them, whatever works for you. I have applied to be a mod months ago and I see everyday the people everyone is referring to. I could ss about 60 of them a day that aren't silenced and never have anything done about them.

    However, my alt is small enough to farm most of them So that's what I do. I also made a club specifically for farming pervs. Which is in the hands of some low stat players who enjoy farming There is a list of clubs on their wall along with names of their targets.
  15. Look, I know I went all desk flipping, caps locked, rant and raving....

    Sorry if I sounded like a loon. My intention was to stir up pimd player against the ones that use this game for a dating site. Nothing more, nothing less.

    It was not intended to get people to go up against the mods. It is true that some mods are better than others, but they are fighting a losing battle against an onslaught of "players" not wanting to play this game as it was intended. It's true mods are only human...(I think), some hold grudges and use their powers for themselves....who cares. Those mods eventually weed themselves out.

    I went all crazy caps lock rage mad yesterday because I finally snapped, went loony, my right eye was ticking. I thought I was going to have a stroke. I'm just getting sick of looking at all the garbage on world chat. The players that have been around for awhile may remember my ATTENTION That is all.... Posts, where I'd troll the pervs. I can't even do that anymore because there are to many. What about when a club would take over world chat? Or all of the LCBC's would start talking on world chat? I hardly see that anymore.

    I've hit the feedback button more than I care to admit...I think ATA hates seeing my name, but if we, the true pimd players ALL help out, maybe, just maybe we will see some changes.

    Thanks for listening to an old skool player rant and rave.
  16. The club is called Clean Up Crew btw
  17. Grandpa Ditch.. Just get me a new iPod for Christmas and I'd be getting ready for school when I'd be watching you troll on WC