Dawn, you don't get trolling do you? Also, it was actually more than one... Every thread I have made... And on my wall about four times. one time my ass. I'm not hurt over it lol. Made me laugh but didn't crush my little soul. I've been harassed for almost 2 years by the people I described... And they have yet to leave me alone. I'm a strong little 18 year old...... I can handle myself. Talk about assumption queen Also, you can troll people many ways lol. I love making people think I give a crap.
Well, pimd. I think I'm done with you now. Played since day one and it was fantastic. Met lots of people, but they were just players. As time went on I made a lot of friends, some turned out to be real friends, some just fakers. I physically hug some of you daily, others I still dream about and wake up mad. You guys have made me cry, gotten me through some bad times, and smile at random times throughout my day. This may be strange, but it's not the game. It's just people, we're all people here. Some crazy, some sane. I think we forget that. You guys are good people, thanks for that. Peace, soon. Now I just feel bad for my pupil... All that wasted money
Just barely. I've got Miley Cyrus screaming in my right ear and whispering in my left because my headphone jack is broke as hell. Dawnny