UPDATE Silencing Policy Updates

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 18, 2019.

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  1. I love you so much and you are so sweet to me.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Heyyy
  3. Hi I’m new you guys I got a dorm hang out
  4. Gurl stfu hoe stank ahh
  5. Hi I know you know my name Isabelle Blanchard
  6. No she’s not
  7. At 6 o’clock AParty am I PThere’s going to be up
  8. I just got me an new job I’m so happy I got me 1,000 dollars 😘😃😃 how about you jobs
  9. Rude
  10. Uhhhhhh... not very safe to be posting your last name.
  11. lmao
  12. So this is horse shit. I am sielinced for having my status in Japanese, no one knew what it said yet the mod that stalks me decided to silence me and ata fucking stood behind them. They are allowed harassment to happen and when I make a ticket they just close it. All the care about is how much we spend and they make. And everyone is so scared of getting banned that they bow down to them. All of the ata crew are fucking crooked and can go fuck themselves they make up the rules as they go and hide behind TOS
  13. What did it say in English
  14. That the conditions of the game are unfair, but that does not matter unless you can read it and ata did not know what it said
  15. No
  16. Is that a verbatim quote?

    And are you assuming none of the mods or devs can read Japanese or use a translator🥴
  17. I’d like to join yall
  18. Hi I am new here I love math people Call me teachers pet
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