Silences and bans V.1

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Great thread slendie 

    Slendie is not trying to be a mod, those who know him know he's not trying to be a mod, and know he can't be a mod, and know why.

    There are people here who really try to help, slendie is one of them, others want to be mods or want attention... For those who "help" to try to become mods, just try to remember of 1 mod who called so much attention to themselves... You'll see that no 1! All mods helped behind the scenes and hiding from the spot light, so I suggest you try changing tactics... Like nekkie said... You can help without screaming you're helping...

    Once again slendie, great job 
  2. It is just great 3 myths before we can talk again what kind of game is this this really sucks big time you people do not understand at all how I feel
  3. also helpful in a sense
  4.  page one
  5. So I just read the whole thing, I doubt anyone will be coming back to this thread but basically:
    This thread was designed for two reasons.

    1. Slender man is a spotlight maniac. Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe it was slender who, after the huge new v. Old war decided to keep one of the clubs and turn it into his own. Now, many people received invitations to "his" club (including me) for the sole purpose of growing it. But this wasn't his club, the name was just popular and that's all he wanted. By owning "Old School" he thought he was of importance. But really he was wrong. The idea went down the drain and I assume it's been shut down... I don't know for sure and I don't plan on checking either.

    2. The slender man thinks his mask of helpfulness can earn him a position as a moderator. As blockey so smoothly put, the only thing players want nowadays are moderating abilities. This guide is helpful, yes. But it wasn't designed to be helpful. It wasn't designed to help noobs who get silenced because noobs who get silenced don't read long guides on how to get unsilenced.

    If you truly want to help this game then don't try and help. Say a dirty Rper gets silenced and finds the hidden castle in the forest called the forums. Say she finds your thread among many others which she so merrily taints with her disgustingness. Say she reads your thread and finds out how to get unsilenced.

    You did your job of helping slender. You helped a sexter get unsilenced so she can continue to defile this game even more. Thanks.
  6. And say someone new finds this thread. say that this person did not know about the ToU and rules of conduct and got all what they needed here. say that this new player is now aware of the rules and will follow the said rules. slender did his "job" of helping. he helped a new player to become a real player, not a perv. and now guess what. This just happened to me. I'm new, I found this thread, read it, read the rules and now I am ready to play. That's a real example of helping. Can you say you ever did so or ever will?
    libellule likes this.
  7. Red, you have the ability to find out about other's intentions? Since when? Oh yeah, since never. Before talking about the intentions of someone you hate even though you never learned to know them and don't have the desire to do so, think. It's not because you are too selfish to help others' without getting benefits that I cannot do it. And if you are unhappy with this, you are free to leave or to cry in a corner with your imaginary friends.
  8. I heard a friend of mine _JUSTINE_ had been perm silenced. Can you tell me if she was, why, and if not silenced what happened to her? Several of us are worried about her. Please respond.
  9. Nice job, could use more deails like examples of what staues you can get silenced for etc....but nice job real nice.
  10. Y was i silenced i didnt do anything at all
  11. You will receive a message from pimd stating why you were silenced.
  12. False. Perm silenced can be appealed after 1 month
  13. The last informations I got from the devs were that it depends what offense it was and also I believe it depends who you are. A moderator's request is most likely to be taken more seriously than a normal player. Also, if you spammed, you'll be heard before someone who said he'd kill others in a serious way.
  14. Euro guy check it out
  15. awesome as always
  16. I won't be perm silence after Friday I am free at last
  17. You silences me and I did even do any wrong now how is that fear it is not
  18. I'm not stuped why whould want to spam I do want to get silences
  19. This game is miss up for silenceing me for not doing any thing and why not spaming I'm geting off this game bye this game use to be fun now that I can't chat I can't talk to my friends now this game is not fun