Slender this is a great thread keep up the great work! I really appreciate it. This guy is helping the pimd community and all y'all can say is he is seeking attention or he is trying to be mod. First of all there's nothing wrong with trying to be a mod. How is helping the pimd community makes you an attention seeker or fake? Just because you know someone for a while, its not a terrible thing for them to become suddenly helpful. If you have an issue with that you need help! I'm glad this thread got a sticky it really deserved it.
Thanks to everyone who support this And I'm sorry for my earlier's temper tantrum... I'll try to work on my self control and my thread.
Why was Kandy's name mentioned blocky? Why do you need to go a troll on those who help the PIMD community. There are very few less who do help out, other than mods, slender, warrior, myself, and sometimes a few people who don't help very much. Slender, warrior and I help the most. I wonder why not more people help? Hmm, maybe because people like you who try to give us a hard time? Every one complains PIMD is going down hill, I wonder why? Maybe because there is enough people to put new players in the right direction? Because of this child like behaviour that we have to put up with? Get your head out of the sand, and open your eyes, we help using our own time, and expect nothing back except a "thank you" If you can't see this, then you need a reality check. Slender well done, a few mistakes, which ill be happy to give you a hand in correcting. Thank you for putting in the time and effort.
Does that blocky guy know that if the creator of a thread asks someone to leave, they have to? He seems a little dense.
@BloodRose: Before you go around calling people dense, open your eyes and read the rules. Brilliant job Slendy.
Thanks Zach Oh and the rule about asking people to leave a thread is not enforced anymore because of people abusing of it.
And the reason people like blockey and I aren't on here helping people, is because we have busy lives (I know you work, just continue to read) and we'd wrather grow our stats then learn how to make urls, and get the url for every helpful thread, and helo every person. And honestly, it's just you that helps. Warrior helped at the begininng, And you are here now. Slender is like a backup, when your sleeping he'll get the job done, kinda helpful. .-. In my eyes.
If you want to bash at someone, create your own thread. I will not tolerate this kind of comments on my thread.
Guys leave Slender alone. He's helping. You may not have time to make helpful threads like these because you have lifes, etc, but you sure as hell have time to troll. Makes sense. Just let it be. At least he's helping.
No, i5. Someone else implied it. I'm just saying. They said they dont make these threads cuz they dont have time because they're busy with their lives, yet they have more than enough time to make those comments..
Thanks sooo much! This was really helpful! I was so confused y I was silenced, but now I know the reason.