Silences and bans V.1

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Lol there's no way Ethan wants to be mod, trust me perhaps I could make you a thread about how he doesn't meet the age requirement as well and call it a guide.
  2. Shush and let the noobs learn 
  3. Shut the hell up. Both of you.
  4. You forgot a few things by the way 
  5. Blockey, I could also write a bloody long thread about how I do not meet the age requirement to be a moderator. Does that mean I cannot enjoy helping others?
  6. Slender you expected the "sticky please! " response from it and craved the attention you would get from it. it's really fake and I can't stand when people are fake. I know its fake because i knew you before you started doing this crap and now you're completely different. 10 dollars you're best friends with kandy?
  7. This got a sticky  oh dear. Pimd is going down the drain. Now I have to point out all the errors. Because they just stickied a thread that is wrong about several things...
  8. Then correct him in what's wrong. Don't go all nuts on him.
    libellule likes this.
  9. I knew him before him started to doing these o_O
  10. Blockey, please leave my thread. This is near harassment. If you don't want to help, you don't have to comment.
  11. "If you get silenced for 24 hours there is little chance you will get unsilenced." This is only because your silence is up after 24 hours. Getting "unsilenced" usually included having the silence wiped from your record. So the silence can still be removed after that 24 hours...

    When silenced, you will see a pm like this:

    Now, this is not entirely wrong, but for a new player who was recommended to read this I can see how obvious the misconception could be. For the reason given, there are several reasons. You don't mention those there. You say there are other reasons you can be silenced but you don't elaborate there and the messages will not always look exactly like that because there can be different silence reasons.

    "The length of a perm silence is minimum 3 months for an appeal and if you don't appeal it's permanent."

    This is probably the most imminent mistake in the thread. How long it takes for them to lift the silence can depend on the context. If its something simple, like say a club advertisement, you post twice and the second one double posts, that's 3. If you explained that to them it could be much shorter. I don't remember the last time a perm silence has lasted 3 months honestly.  from the moment I started learning the game 1 month was the rule of thumb I've always heard.

    The screenshot where it says "joey93 has been silenced permanently."

    I'm not entirely sure, it could be an extremely new update I haven't seen yet, (and I'm watching campus but mods are never on so nobody's been silenced in 15 minutes.) but I've never seen that permanently silenced message. I've had friends permanently silenced in the past and it's always said 24 hours. Like I said I'm not certain but I'm fairly sure that's not the case.

    Btw, why have an additional information section just to give the ata email address?.. That's not an error but what the hell.

    Here you go Hal.
  12. I no longer have to leave unless I've broken ToU. This is definitely not harassment, I'm simply expressing my opinion and I really don't appreciate you playing the victim. I'll leave now though anyway because I've made my point.
  13. The permanently silenced screenshot is some months old. And the thread is at its first version. I will correct the mistakes you pointed out and will send the update to the devs so they can change it.
  14. And I gave the link to the ToU and RoC to avoid copying these two documents on my thread. All the reasons for silences and bans can be found there.
  15. You should've done my perm silenced ss 

    But good work slendy, this will help a bunch of new players
  16. Nice work Slendy. However, as Blockey most kindly pointed out, there are a few mistakes. But good try, and congrats on the sticky. 
  17. I've seen the permanently silenced update on WC...

    Also... Even if someone wants to be a mod why punish them for acting appropriately? Or would you rather complain about people acting inappropriately?? I'd rather forums be flooded with helpful guides by well-meaning people than perverts or beggars who don't understand the game.
    I normally wouldn't have commented but the attack seemed incredibly vicious and unwarranted for the subject matter. I don't understand why there's so much hostility in forums. Any private matters you have can be discussed in PM. Whatever 
    libellule likes this.
  18. You got a term wrong, there is no such thing as a " perminant" silence anymore If it can be repealed it is not perminant, it is temporary unless as you said not repealed.

    New term for it should be: "Conditionally Perminant"

    that would make more sense .____.
  19. Constructive criticism.

    Dont come up saying "You stupid wannabe mod fail! You just want attention you wannabe mod!" :roll:

    I applied for mod. I've never made a guide. Just cuz he made a guide doesnt mean he wants to be a mod. Only people who wanna be a mod can make guides? I've never made a single guide. So no. False. (I'm obviously not gonna get the position )

    Good job Slender 

    And.... I've seen the "permanent" silence updates on wc too. They happen often.