Silences and bans V.1

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. They should be silence for
  2. For post people public records on the game when it private business
  3. [​IMG]
  4. [​IMG] ricoreaper should be be banbed for bully disability people give people full names give people past private businesses and criminal records so people will kick the person with understanding why be kicked blocked he bullying Down syndrome autism Asperger's ADHD and OCD and mental health
  5. hes in rico nation so no one will farm him
  6. @CremeandStrawberry Please report this user via a help ticket. Public accusations like you are making are against the rules, even if the claims are true. Action against the user cannot be taken anyway without an official report.
    Day likes this.
  7. He got silenced for it