Silences and bans V.1

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Ask on campus or wall a mod instead of complaining on a thread.
  2. I was silenced for a month.
  3. Please ban WetCat2 she is a scammer and a hacker
  4. Can u ban someone who sexually harrasses you in pm?
  5. ^ dead  let me guess rp ?
  6. Can you ban Rehab_RAPunzel and his alternative account _Jyu_Viole_Grace_ because there's a wall post on his alternative account calling me a bitch... it's so disrespectful
  9. You complain to much
  10. 
  11. If I was perm silenced forever I would get rid of the game by switching accounts with an alt
  12. Boocookie is harrssing me please can you ban him
  13. Uninstall.
  14. Look at Boocookie wall please
  15. No can do.
    Ask campus for a mod ?
  17. BooCookie can be ban and HFA_BOOTASTERR should be ban
  18. People scold me I scold them and you all silence me for 7 days this is not fair .I will report your game
  19. Should have silenced you longer tbh.
  20. You need to uninstall