
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Oct 23, 2011.

  1. I thought Chloe was called Goldia...
  2. Chloe's real name is Pedobear 
  3. Well good for her. I'm glad I'm not sharing a name with her. She would have some weird Japanese name
  4. Racist.

    You racist son of a witch.
  5. Yeah? I bet your name is Chloe McLyingBaby.
  6. That deserves ANOTHER silence. Damn Bubass, you are fulfilling our dream of you being banned!
  7. Yeah? It must be Dora the Explorer then. 
  8. I love Dora the Explorer! 
  9. Grab your backpack! Let's go. You can lead the way! 
  10. "as if I would've hooked up"

    Lol made me laugh... Bubbub wants another imaginary baby
  11. ¿Dose, Tres? No damn it! 2!! It should be obvious.

    Football head =_=
  12. I am called Goldia.  the one and only Goldia. 
  13. Do you even know what hooked up means. It's not kissing by the way

  14. NEON!!

    She's being racist! 
  15. Who stays up at 3 AM? U people r nuts
  16. Yea right

    If thats really your name then that's what I shall call you 
  17. Yes bubass, we do. You don't
  18. 3am?where did that come from?